This guide for fatawa is based on "Fatwas of Bin Baz". Who is a great scientist, because of his great effort we have learned something and we are able to make programs today, this application consist of the following contents
- Fatwas on conditions of sale
- Fatwas on the issue of tawarruq
- Fatwas on usury and exchange
- Prayer fatwas
- Zakat fatwas
- Fasting fatwas
- Hajj fatwas
- Fatwas on marriage and divorce
- Food fatwas
- Fatwas of Hadith
- Fatwas of knowledge
Note: The information/data used in this application is obtained from sources available online. The main concern of this app is to spread knowledge and message of Islam. Furthermore, we display ads inside app which support us financially. If you have any complaints regarding this application or the contents displayed in this app, kindly contact us via email below.